"A Few Steps
to Heaven"
Join Us
The Society needs Members in order to Thrive....
The benefits of membership include a quarterly newsletter, meetings and other events, social occasions and the opportunity to contribute to a positive future for "our" canal.
Here is how you can JOIN....
To join the Society you can view and then print our Application Form by clicking here.
After completing the form either email your contact details to clive.henderson3@btinternet.com or send the top part to our Membership Secretary at the following address :-
Clive Henderson
The Bridge House
Church Lane
B94 5NU
01564 783672 . . .
And then send the Standing Order part of the form to your bankers.
The Annual Subscription Rate and Life membership cover single or joint members at the same address -
Adult Single or Joint £10.00 per year
Life, Single or Joint £120.00